Monday, September 25, 2006

Presentations Monday, september 25, 06

Today the students of Design Studio utem have presented their works about elaboration of script, storyboard and approach to the concept of design of the didactic toys. In addition the groups have presented his blogs of work.



Group 1 - UP

Group 2 - Ilumina

Group 3 - Didactivo

Group 4 - Heureka

Group 5 - 5ideas

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Important Notes

Dear students

We would like to give you some important information regarding Design Studio. Please check the following links:

Groups Configuration with e-mails contacs

Task for development in the next class

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ION Educational Gaming System

The Hasbro ION E.G.S. will inspire kids to get up and get active alongside characters from some of their favorite TV shows like SpongeBob SquarePants, Blues Room, LazyTown and Dora the Explorer from Nickelodeon. The ION E.G.S. will be released later this year.
With Hasbro ION E.G.S., kids, ages 4 to 7, see themselves on the family TV screen, as they move their entire bodies to participate in learning adventures focused on core preschool and elementary skills. A small camera built into the console’s base places the child onscreen and literally “in” the game—right next to some of today’s popular TV show characters. Motion-capture technology translates body motion into game play, enabling kids to control the action with their bodies rather than through traditional game controllers.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Materia and Inventables

Friends , today I want to speak of this two incredible sites, its Materia and Inventables.

It is a fact that the world advances more and more fast and is certain that with the appearance of the new technologies and the preoccupation of the sustainable development new materials born, or the old ones receive different and new applications. It is how the principal mission of Materia is to generate a creative site, in which show all of these new materials and interesting applications.

On this way this site works like a finder of inventions, in addition it could be a great support for the industrial designers, interiors designers or fashion design, etc….

The site is linking with the denominated finder “Material Explorer”, in which, if you be register, you can access to a series of newsletter, in which they exhibit an important range of new materials, in addition the explorer can be had offers information about the mechanical, visual properties, etc. In addition can be ordered in case of requiring some of these modern wonders.

The other great site is inventables, wich is a group of designer and teckies who find the new innovations in the world and sell a small sample of them, go to the site and see all that new things like how generate electricity with velcro...just great!.

3D Brush

This post is for comment something that I saw in youtube (click in the video and you will see the trick).

This is the development of an investigation of the Media Lab, which it had as result this wonderful toy, this is a brush that can catch through a camera an image and later it is possible to be draw in a magical board what the camara capture, this is not magic, but it is just wonderful, you can catch the essence of the colors of which it is focusing, things just like the great pinture genius like Velásquez, Rembrandt, Caravaggio.

However, the utility is just playful, is only a game, but what its make me pay attention? is the capacity that the brush have, because this invent can turn the learning in a great game.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Articulo nº 1

My favorite Toy

"The use of the toy maintains a correspondence with the emergence and subordination progressive of the reasons that constitute one of the basic components in the development of the personality in the first ages."

"But also, when the boy or the girl use a toy they experience positive vivacious or negative related with the success or the failure of their actions with the same one, what exercises an effect in their emotions and feelings, in the affective sphere - motivacional.”

That faithful toy that I help to wake up our emotions that I help us to grow, to explore, to feel, to create and that for many other reasons are captured in our heart.

For me, Francisca memory that my more valuable toy for that I help myself to create a I link direct among the creativity, the capacity to imagine and to invent, was a house of dolls that I give myself my mom's friend she had 3 years and something. She made that house for that had never had daughters that even made it more valuable, and I believe that for many girls having a house of dolls was the maximum thing.

To feel owner of the space, of that very personal world and of that so alone reality our, that innocent reality that nobody broke.

It is wonderful to sit down and to remember wonderful afternoons where the view of that world created in that afternoon was real. I believe that the appropriation of that space is it that but I value of that toy and that game space.

I wait that the same as I have not even lost that capacity to imagine and of feeling that it mixes wonderful of appropriations of those sensations very our that take you to remember something in the past but that if you look at the present, they are Even.

In my case, Juan, for my the element q but I mark my life and personality, it was the bicycle. My dad becomes trained to walk in bicycle, then when I learned, I traveled many places, it went out always with my father to walk, then he invited me to a drink, I believe that it is for him that I know my neighborhood a lot. in my bicycle I feel free, I believe that in that my personality is this way, I am independent, and I have that desire to know things and places.

But an element of social toy, without a doubt q all boy wants it is a soccer ball.

Through that reason, an entire afternoon you passed with your friends playing game in the street, you knew new friends, you chopped yourself, you fought, you were all dirty one and then your mom you it challenged.

And to you. Which had been the toy q mark your childhood and your personality?

More Information

Artículo publicado por Macarena Valenzuela y Juan Herrera

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Presentación Design Studio

El Departamento y la Escuela de Diseño de la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, en conjunto con la School of Engineering, de la University of Western Sydney, desarrollan durante el Segundo Semestre de 2006, el Primer Taller Internacional de Desarrollo de Productos Design Studio.

El Taller Design Studio es un taller experimental de Diseño Distribuido que utiliza las Tecnologías Digitales como plataforma de comunicación, desarrollo y producción de un producto entre estudiantes y profesores de Diseño, chilenos y australianos.

El Taller Design Studio se enmarca en el contexto de las tendencias internacionales de desarrollo de nuevos productos en entornos distribuidos como una herramienta eficaz para desarrollar innovación. El desarrollo de productos en entornos distribuidos se genera a partir del uso de las redes de comunicación que permiten el uso de diversas plataformas de intercambio de flujos de información tales como videoconferencias, desarrollo de propuestas colaborativas en tiempo real, traspaso de archivos, etc. que permiten un desarrollo con múltiples visiones culturales, disminución de los tiempos de proyección y ejecución junto al enriquecimiento de las metodologías de trabajo en cada equipo.
El Taller Design Studio se desarrolla en el marco del Proyecto Mecesup de Diseño Industrial UTM0201, adjudicado en el año 2002, cuyo principal objetivo es mejorar la calidad de la educación en Diseño a través del desarrollo de una plataforma tecnológica de punta y actualización de las metodologías de desarrollo de productos que permitan que el Diseño Industrial se convierta en un actor de relevancia a nivel nacional en el desarrollo de Innovación y fortalecimiento de la exportación de productos nacionales a los principales mercados del mundo.